My view of NYC

My view of NYC
My view of NYC

Saturday, November 12, 2011

1st Submit; "Scarface" Book Cover

This is my 1st book cover image. To achieve the effects I did the following steps;

1-      I isolated Pachino’s image and put it on a new document.
2-      I had to clean up the area where type was on his head. To d this I used the eraser tool along with the clone tool.
3-      I solarized his image as per the tutorial in module 4.
4-      I adjusted the hue/saturation and vibrancy of the image along with adding 5% noise.
5-      I chose Starshine MF font and manipulated it as per the module 4 tutorial. I further manipulated it my selecting it and distorting by manipulating its anchor points.
I'm still not completely happy with the results so I am continuing to manipulate his face and the text.

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